Mass-conserving secretion and uptake of a diffusible signal/pathogen/virus by Brusch

Brusch et al

The GLIMPRINT Runnable Models page has been updated.

We have added 6 models using Morpheus Morheus Logo:

  1. Infection of Human Airway Epithelium.
  2. Viral dynamics in monkey and bat cell lines.
  3. Kupffer Cell and Macrophage Dynamics, Detoxification and Liver Injury from Acetaminophen (APAP).
  4. Spatial Effects on Killing Kinetics of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes.
  5. Immunological/chemical synapse.
  6. Mass-conserving secretion and uptake of a diffusible signal/pathogen/virus.

And added one model using CompuCell3D :

  1. A multiscale multicellular spatiotemporal model of local influenza infection and immune response.

To visit the page click here: GLIMPRINT Runnable Models