We are a global, multidisciplinary alliance facilitating the development and application of predictive immune system models to improve our understanding of the human immune system.

Upcoming and Recent GLIMPRINT Seminars

3PM (eastern)
To join the meeting: https://iu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-2srD8tGtCXDem4Cka08rBz5fDW0EQR
Paul Roberts, University of Birmingham, "Mathematical models to elucidate the mechanisms underlying sight loss"

Paul Roberts, Centre for Systems Modelling and Quantitative Biomedicine at the University of Birmingham, will discuss: Mathematical models to elucidate the mechanisms under

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3PM (eastern)
Lorenz Adlung, UMC Hamburg-Eppendorf, will discuss: scMod: Marrying machine learning and deterministic modelling of longitudinal single-cell data

IMAG/MSM WG Multiscale Modeling and Viral Pandemics Zoom @everyone

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Upcoming Workshops

6 days
Online, register at http://bit.ly/2024SumerSchoolRegistration
2024 Cell Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon
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8 days
CompuCell3D 19th User Training Workshop July 28th - August 4th, 2024

We are pleased to announce the 19th Annual Multicell Virtual-Tissue Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon for 2024!

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Past Events